Hi, my name is Dennis, I'm a
Full Stack Developer




chess system

This is a chess game that I make during a Java course. I used many matrices and OOP concepts.


In this game I used HTML, Css and JavaScript.

jogo da memória

Portifolio Inglês Instrumental

English Portfolio

A project that I developmented for college subject of Inglês Instrumental. I used HTML, CSS and a lib(magic-mouse).

Linear Regression

I developed a Linear Regression to predict prices of medical plans based on age information provided by the user with Python Language.

Linear Regression

About me:

I'm former in Information Technician by the Instituto Federal do Maranhão(IFMA), in this moment I'm course in Analysis and Systems Development by the IFMA too.

I love learning new things, especially when it comes to technology.
My wish is to be a good Full Stack Developer. Therefore, every day I study a lot, because the realization of big dreams comes with a lot of effort.